Research field
The mutations of publishing and the stakes of narration and fiction.
When writing, devising, editing, publishing and reading digitally prevail as a new norm in publishing, what happens to practices where ‘doing’ refers to the singularity of an author, their signature, their position in a historical continuum of the transmission of knowledge and know-how? Indeed, today these practices which come under publishing face the question, without doubt fundamental, of their modus operandi. Decades after the invention of the computer, after the digital revolution, publishing is understood in an interaction of multiple media. It is a matter of experimenting these new forms of publishing, experiments and interactive fictions offered by digital technologies: augmented reality, interactive transmedia devices and video-gaming experiences.
The programme also deals with the questions raised by the exponential production of data and their exploitation, by studying the plastic and conceptual crossovers which take place today between paper and digital publishing, and their influence on writing and the narration. When a digital device replaces or simulates a traditional medium, it is not only a text which is transformed. It is the same with graphic and visual practices and the conception of new reading and writing environments.
Research Professors at ECOLAB: Emmanuel Cyriaque (director), Nicolas Tilly, Sophie Monville
Associate Students Researchers of the Advanced Research Degree (French DSRD) : Jessy Asselineau, Leslie Astier.
Edition Media Design : Expanded Publishing, when data become form