Compulsory Traineeships

Three or four months in a professional environment are required during the curriculum to validate the BA. These traineeships take place in the 2nd and 3rd years. A traineeship or participation in research programmes is compulsory during semester 8, i.e. year 4 of the MA. The traineeships are subject to an agreement and final report and are recognized with the attribution of ECTS. These experiences prepare to better understand the worlds of art and design in their plurality and better apprehend a future, professional insertion. The relations developed with professional communities represent the opportunity to check and further the work carried out at school and discover a network.

Traineeship Agreements

The traineeship agreements can be downloaded from here:

The student must obtain the approval of Lisa Bonnet, mobility manager, and the coordinator.

Financial contributions

If you decide to complete your traineeship course abroad, you can qualify for an Erasmus+ scholarship for the European mobility programmes, or for a Région Centre-Val de Loire, Mobi-Centre scholarship for any destination.

erasmus+ scholarships (european mobility)

For a 2 to 12-month mobility programme, the monthly allowance of the Erasmus+ scholarship depends on the country of destination:

  • Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, United Kingdom, Sweden✨: 420 €/month
  • Austria✨ Belgium, Cyprus, Germany✨, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain, The Netherlands: 370 €/month 
  • Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey: 320 €/month

mobi-centre scholarships

The amount of the Mobi-centre scholarships depends on the destination zone of the student:
Europe: 175 €/month
Outside Europe✨: 262,50 €/month
Each students has a 12-month “time credit” in a foreign country, throughout the course of their higher education. This can be used at will according to the curriculum.

Professional Life

Orléans School of Art and Design reinforces its mission in accompanying graduates in their professional project: through the development of their degree project. From the first year, it offers courses to this end, inviting professionals in design and participating in the Créa’Campus & Pépite operations. The school has permanent links with players in the economic development and incubation of the Centre Val-de-Loire region, as well as professional networks at the national and international level.


Lisa Bonnet
Traineeships manager

Catherine Bazin
Careers advisor

// ✨Thanks to: Goto80 (Sweden), Solomun (Bosnia-Germany), Electric Indigo (Austria), Kutiman (Israel).