Procedure reserved for ÉSAD Orléans students

Independently of the ‘DNA’ degree, ÉSAD Orléans students’ admission to the Master’s program is submitted to the assent of the graduate admissions commission. The admissions commission must decide on the students’ ability to join the graduate program at ÉSAD Orléans, and ÉSAD Orléans’ capacity to guide the students’ work, leading them to the Master’s degree. 

The pursuit towards the ‘DNSEP’ degree at ÉSAD Orléans therefore requires both assent from the Master’s Commission and obtaining the DNA. 

Regulatory Text

Under the decree of 16 juillet 2013, « admission into au semester 7 is subordinate to receiving the National Arts and Techniques Diploma and the assent of the graduate admissions commission. The commission is composed of at least three teachers of the program and option concerned, appointed by the director. One of the teachers holds a doctoral degree. The chair of the commission is appointed by the director among the school members. The graduate admissions commission shall meet validly if at least three of its members are present. Its decisions are made by the absolute majority. In case of a tied vote, the chair shall have the casting vote. The director shall notify the confirmation or refusal of admission. Any refusal shall be substantiated.”     

Composition of the commission

For the 2021 session, the graduate admissions commission is composed of:
Chair: Caroline Zahnd
Commission members: Emmanuel Cyriaque (deputy chair), Panni Demeter, Gunther Ludwig, Victor Guégan (deputy: D. Laroque), Claire Le Sage, Nicolas Tilly.

Composition of the folder

  • A letter of intent defining the applicant’s field of research (PDF).
    The letter of intent should specify the applicant’s orientation in a field of research (questions posed or issues to be considered, scopes of practice, elements of the process launched). It should include 5 bibliographic and 5 artistic references in relation to the formulation of the issues. / between 3000 and 6000 typographic characters.
  • A cover letter (fPDF). The letter should specify which academic programme and research field are requested.
    The letter should link the research intent to the particularities of the graduate studies at ESAD Orléans, and clearly state why the applicant wishes to be admitted.
  • A portfolio representing the applicant’s artistic work (PDF).
    It shouId contain at least 5 works including:
    • The personal project for the Diplôme National d’Art (research in progress and diploma project submitted)
    • At least 3 projects executed in the 2nd and 3rd years.
    • A selection of works from the research and experimental phases demonstrating the scope of practices and techniques involved. 

Each element presented in the portfolio should be accompanied with a caption stating its nature (class or personal project, individual or group project…). 

The three files must be under the student’s name (e.g.: clemens_portfolio_commission2cycle.pdf✨).


Graduate admission commission (internal application at ESAD Orléans)
Online application form and deposit of files at this address:


Deadline for returning folders: 23 mars 2021
Commission results: 9 avril 2021


Student Affairs